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Fast, reliable pest control services for homes and business premises across London

Fast, reliable pest control services for homes and business premises across London

Why choose us for your pest control in London

Our technicians in London are expert in getting rid of pests and proofing homes and business premises to prevent infestations.



The more densely populated areas of London have perfect conditions for infestations of pests, particularly rodents, cockroaches and bed bugs, to spread between homes and business premises. Our pest control technicians can get rid of these pests and install measures to protect properties from future infestations.

Mice and rats have easy access to food around rubbish bins and takeaways in London. Prolific breeders year-round, in winter they seek shelter in homes, restaurants, shops and offices, getting inside via the tiniest cracks or holes. Drains provide a perfect living environment for rats and they climb up through the pipes to enter a building.

Flies and cockroaches enter homes and business premises during the spring and summer in search of food . They are prolific breeders so an invasion of a couple of these pests soon becomes a huge infestation.

Bed bugs aren’t easy to spot and they’re even harder to get rid of. People bring them into homes, offices and restaurants on their clothes or in their luggage. They can also be hidden in furnishings imported from abroad.

Fleas are brought inside by cats and dogs, and occasionally by humans on their clothes. They live in carpets and only move from the carpet to feed on animals or humans, leaving an itchy bite.

The larvae of clothes moths and carpet moths are massively destructive. A female moth lays up to 50 eggs which become larvae after a few days. They feed on carpets, curtains, rugs and clothes year-round as centrally heated homes keep them active during the winter.


Birds such as gulls, pigeons and house martins roost and nest on buildings and can cause damage to roofs, solar panels and air conditioning units. They produce large amounts of droppings that smell unpleasant and are unsightly, carry diseases and corrode metals, stone and brick. Nesting materials block guttering and chimneys.

Squirrels are a problem for properties in London as there are less trees for them to live in. They find their way into loft spaces and cause lots of noise and damage by tearing up insulation and gnawing timber, pipes and wiring.

Wasps and honey bees often nest in chimneys, roof spaces and other cavities within buildings in London. Colonies can consist of thousands which are very noisy and if they’re disturbed they will sting.

Ants usually live in nests in the ground. They only invade properties in search of food, but they mostly travel in large numbers. Prevention is the best cure but because they can access a property via a tiny crack it is difficult to find how they’ve gained access.

Foxes have become a huge nuisance in London. They are noisy and scream loudly at night, mark their territory with unpleasant scents and droppings, attack pets, dig up gardens and scavenge in bins. They carry disease such as mange which can be picked up by dogs and toxoplasmosis that causes blindness in children.


We are a member of the BPCA (British Pest Control Association) and have been assessed to ensure we meet their strict membership criteria. This provides assurance that we are an insured, trusted company with a team of professionally trained and qualified technicians who are BPCA registered and follow the BPCA Codes of Best Practice. Our technicians are DBS certified and members of the SafeContractor Scheme.



Preparation, aftercare and guarantees

Some of the treatments we carry out will only work if the correct preparation and aftercare is carried out by the client. Insecticide treatments will only work on clean, dust-free surfaces. If undisturbed they last up to 2-months on surfaces and carpets.

We use the most up-to-date insecticides that are biodegradable, almost odourless, non-tainting and do not corrode or stain, as well as being completely harmless to mammals.

How we get rid of ants
We treat the infested and surrounding areas and around windows, doors and walls with insecticide spray and/or bait. Ants which come into contact with the treated surfaces become contaminated with the insecticide, although they don’t die instantly. They return to their nest and touch other ants and larvae with their contaminated bodies, passing on the insecticide.

Eradicating the ants may take up to 2-weeks if treatment is carried out during warmer weather; in cold weather it may take up to 6-weeks as the ants will be sporadically active. Do not disturb the ants during treatment.

Preparation of the area to be treated

  • Empty cupboards, drawers, shelves and all surfaces
  • Clean all interior and exterior surfaces to remove dust and dirt
  • Remove all toys, books, boxes, DVDs, posters, shoes etc.
  • Keep pets away from the area

What do I do afterwards?

  • Immediately after treatment let the spray dry; do not clean or wipe up any puddles
  • Do not touch the treated surfaces or let pets into the treated area until dry
  • If you do get the insecticide on your skin wash it off immediately
  • Do not wash, clean or vacuum treated surfaces for at least 2-months

This treatment is guaranteed for interior areas only for one month after the treatment, provided preparation and aftercare has been adhered to.

Insecticide x1 spray and/or bait £90 +VAT

Products used

Insecticide sprays
Effect Microtech CS Permethrin 8% w/w HSE 9401
K-Othrine WG250 Deltamethrin 25% w/w HSE 8092

Insecticide powder
Ficam D Bendiocarb 1% w/w HSE 4829

Advion Ant Gel Indoxacarb 0.05% w/w

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we get rid of bed bugs
Bed bugs are one of the hardest pests to get rid of. They can withstand very cold temperatures and survive fumigation with CO2. The most effective treatments are insecticide spray and extreme heat.

To completely eradicate a bed bug infestation we recommend an extreme heat treatment followed by an insecticide spray.

Insecticide spray
An insecticide spray is applied to the walls, ceilings, carpets, bed frame, mattress, furniture and surrounding areas where bed bugs may crawl and live. Our technicians are thorough; loose carpet is pulled back so the area below can be sprayed and all the cracks and crevices in the plaster of the walls, ceiling and furniture as well as the area behind loose wallpaper is sprayed. Insecticide powders are used in voids, large electrical items and electrical sockets and light fittings. The bed bugs crawl over the treated surfaces and absorb the insecticide, although they don’t die instantly.

We recommend a second spray 3 to 4-weeks later to pick up those bugs which weren’t reached by the first spray or which hatched after the treatment.

Extreme heat
Extreme heat kills bed bugs instantly so this is a quicker solution. Steam is applied under pressure to the walls, ceilings, carpets, bed frame, mattress, furniture and surrounding areas where bed bugs may crawl and live.

Most of the bed bugs are killed immediately, however, we recommend following the treatment with an insecticide spray to pick up those bugs which weren’t reached by the steam or which hatched after the treatment.

Preparation of the area to be treated

  • Wash all bedding in hot water wash followed by a hot dry cycle
  • Clean/vacuum carpets and curtains
  • Vacuum mattresses with a special filter to trap the bed bugs and prevent them from escaping, including around every button
  • Remove headboards and vacuum every crack in the bed frame
  • Open box springs and vacuum every crack and piece of wood
  • Empty cupboards, wardrobes, drawers, shelves and all surfaces and vacuum every crack, including taking out the drawers and vacuuming
  • Wash and dry all clothes
  • Clean all interior and exterior surfaces to remove dust and dirt
  • Remove all toys, books, boxes, DVDs, posters, shoes etc. Do not put them into other rooms as you may spread the infestation. If they can’t be washed, tumble dried or sprayed with insecticide they must be put in a freezer overnight before returning them to the treated room.
  • Empty the contents of the vacuum cleaner immediately into an outside bin
  • Keep pets away from the area

Please note, if you dispose of your old mattress and purchase a new one this will need to be treated with insecticide so it must be put into the bedroom before the insecticide treatment

What do I do afterwards?

  • Immediately after treatment let the spray dry; do not clean or wipe up any puddles
  • Do not touch the treated surfaces or let pets into the treated area until dry
  • If you do get the insecticide on your skin wash it off immediately
  • Do not wash, clean or vacuum treated surfaces for at least 2-months
  • Untreated objects and furniture removed from a treated room shouldn’t be put back for at least 5-months as the bugs can lay dormant for this time
  • The treated rooms must be slept in continuously to encourage the bed bugs to crawl over the treated surfaces
  • Be prepared to see some bed bugs for up to 2-weeks after the treatment

Guarantee for insecticide treatment
This treatment is guaranteed for one month after the second spray and is only valid if

  • the second spray has been carried out within one month of the first; and
  • the correct preparation and aftercare have been carried out.


Insecticide x1 spray £144 +VAT
Insecticide x2 sprays £260 +VAT
Heat + insecticide treatment £750 +VAT

Products used

Insecticide sprays
Effect Microtech CS Permethrin 8% w/w HSE 9401
K-Othrine WG250 Deltamethrin 25% w/w HSE 8092

Insecticide powder
Ficam D Bendiocarb 1% w/w HSE 4829

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we deter birds
Bird proofing an area in or around homes and business premises is easier than culling the birds and removing the mess and debris they make.

We install anti-perch spiking, netting and/or repellent gel to prevent birds from roosting and nesting. This is also necessary to deter birds from landing or perching on solar panels and preventing them from pushing underneath the panels to nest.

Preparation of the area to be treated

  • If there is already mess and debris left by birds nesting and roosting we can clear it away
  • The areas where birds have nested and roosted can be treated with insecticide to remove any insect infestations

Please note it is illegal to remove some birds' nests until after the breeding season e.g. house martins

We guarantee the area we have proofed for 6-months.

The cost of bird proofing depends on the size and type of area to be proofed from £90 +VAT

Clearing away mess and debris left by birds nesting and roosting from £90 +VAT

Insecticide treatment from £90 +VAT

Products used

Repellent gel
Bird Free repellent gel

Insecticide sprays
Effect Microtech CS Permethrin 8% w/w HSE 9401
K-Othrine WG250 Deltamethrin 25% w/w HSE 8092

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we get rid of cockroaches
We treat infested areas with insecticide spray and/or bait. If the infestation is spreading from neighbouring properties, more than one treatment will be needed for complete control. In some cases, it may be necessary to spray and/or bait on a monthly basis until the infestation is eradicated. In properties with multiple occupants this may take weeks, months or years depending on circumstances.

Preparation of the area to be treated

  • Clean and degrease all surfaces including walls and floors, under cookers, fridges, washing machines etc.
  • Clean and degrease the inside and outside of cookers, fridges, washing machines etc.
  • Contact your neighbours or any building connected to yours to see if they have a problem; treatments will only be successful if the whole building is treated at the same time
  • Keep pets away from the area

What do I do afterwards?

  • Immediately after treatment let the spray dry; do not clean or wipe up any puddles
  • Do not touch the treated surfaces or let pets into the treated area until dry
  • If you do get the insecticide on your skin wash it off immediately
  • Do not clean treated surfaces for 2-months after the last spraying and keep the surfaces free of food debris
  • Make sure that food debris doesn’t get under the cooker, fridge etc. as these areas need to remain undisturbed
  • Dead cockroaches will appear for a few weeks after each treatment; dispose of these into an outside bin
  • After 2-months we will supply cockroach monitoring traps to see if there are any cockroaches left or a new infestation has occurred. These are harmless sticky traps with pheromone bait and monitor activity only

Guarantee for insecticide treatment
We only guarantee cockroach treatments in detached buildings that have been treated in their entirety.

Flats, terraced houses and multi-occupancy buildings cannot be guaranteed as there is a probability that cockroaches may spread from adjoining premises.

Insecticide x2 sprays and/or bait £144 +VAT

Products used

Insecticide sprays
Effect Microtech CS Permethrin 8% w/w HSE 9401
K-Othrine WG250 Deltamethrin 25% w/w HSE 8092

Insecticide powder
Ficam D Bendiocarb 1% w/w HSE 4829

Advion Cockroach Gel Indoxacarb 0.05% w/w

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we get rid of fleas
We treat the infested and surrounding floors, upholstered furniture, curtains and animal beds with an insecticide spray. We pay particular attention to the edges of carpets, underneath furniture and under cushions where debris may have collected.

In some situations it may be necessary to spray monthly until the infestation is eradicated, especially in shared, communal or multi-occupancy buildings.

Preparation of the area to be treated

  • Remove all toys, books, magazines, boxes, DVDs, shoes etc, from the floor
  • Vacuum curtains, upholstered furniture, rugs, carpets and wash floors, including the edges of carpets, underneath furniture and under cushions
  • Empty the contents of the vacuum cleaner immediately into an outside bin
  • Replace or wash the cat or dog bed - this must be done before treatment
  • Treat the cat or dog with an appropriate flea treatment
  • Keep pets away from the area during and immediately after preparation

What do I do afterwards?

  • Immediately after treatment let the spray dry; do not clean or wipe up any puddles
  • Do not touch the treated surfaces or let pets into the treated area until dry
  • If you do get the insecticide on your skin wash it off immediately
  • Keep the treated cat or dog in the treated room
  • Do not wash, clean or vacuum treated surfaces for at least 2-weeks
  • Mow lawns as fleas may survive outside during warm weather
  • Keep the rooms warm and dry, so leave windows open or use a dehumidifier
  • After vacuuming for the first time, empty the contents of the vacuum cleaner immediately into an outside bin
  • Vacuum twice a day for the first week after the first vacuum
  • Fleas may be present for up to 21-days after the treatment. It is best to use the infested areas as the fleas are stimulated by warmth, movement and CO2 otherwise the newly hatched fleas will remain dormant in their pupae cases and not be affected by the treatment.

Treated areas in domestic properties are guaranteed for one month after the first treatment provided preparation and aftercare has been adhered to. The guarantee does not apply to properties with more than two animals.

Commercial premises are not guaranteed.

Insecticide x1 spray £90 +VAT

Products used

Insecticide sprays
Effect Microtech CS Permethrin 8% w/w HSE 9401
K-Othrine WG250 Deltamethrin 25% w/w HSE 8092

Insecticide powder
Ficam D Bendiocarb 1% w/w HSE 4829

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we get rid of foxes
We use three types of treatment:


Applying a repellent works if foxes have somewhere else to go with the same advantages as where we’re trying to remove them from. However, in urban areas where the fox population is high it’s unlikely to be successful. Applying a repellent is much cheaper than the other methods so we recommend trying it first.

Live catch cage traps are laid and baited. They need to be checked at least once a day. The customer must call PEST UK when a fox is caught and we will arrange for it to be removed. The trap is left for a maximum of one month. If after this time a fox is not caught then it is highly unlikely to happen in the future. Foxes that have either been released or escaped from a trap will avoid them. Please note the trap mustn’t be set if it can’t be checked for 24-hours.

Shooting is done at dusk/night. We may need to carry out a site survey to check it’s suitable for a shoot. It may be necessary to carry out prebaiting prior to the shoot and a diary of times and dates of sightings.

Fox treatments are not guaranteed as it depends on the individual circumstances and type of control implemented.


From £75 +VAT, depending on the size of area to be covered.

Initial set-down and pickup £240 +VAT
Visit to remove fox £110 +VAT

Site survey £60 +VAT
One shoot £204 +VAT (dusk/night)

Products used

Scoot Fox Repellent

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we get rid of mice
Mice are fussy feeders, territorial and more resistant to poisons than rats and other rodents. Our technician places the most effective grain-based bait containing an anticoagulant in the correct places to ensure the whole population of mice feed on it. The mice usually die in their holes.

The technician makes a second visit to remove the bait and any dead mice for disposal.

Biocide treatment
We can treat loft spaces and other areas where mice have been present with a Biocide spray to eliminate the risk of disease. We also offer a loft insulation replacement service.

What do I do afterwards?
To prevent re-infestation

  • Locate and fill in all entry points into buildings e.g. gaps around pipes, etc. (proofing against mice is difficult as they can get through a gap of just 1cm)
  • Keep foodstuffs out of reach of mice
  • Always clean up any spilled food from under appliances or furniture immediately
  • Remove vegetation growing on buildings as this is easy for mice to climb to gain access through windows and vents
  • Do not feed wild birds

This bait treatment is guaranteed to eliminate the current mouse infestation provided preparation and aftercare has been adhered to.

We cannot guarantee against future mouse infestations. In flats, terraced houses and multi-occupancy buildings mice may spread from adjoining premises.

Bait x1 application + follow up visit £170 +VAT
Biocide treatment £78 +VAT

Products used

Sakarat Bromabait wholewheat Bromadiolone 0.005% w/w HSE 7902
Ratimor Bromadiolone 0.005% w/w HSE 8575
Rodilon Wheat Tech Difethialone 0.0025% w/w
Rodilon Trio mixed grain Difethialone 0.0025% w/w
Rodilon Soft Blocks Difethialone 0.0025% w/w
Talon Soft Brodifacoum 0.005% w/w
Talon Waxblocks Brodifacoum 0.005% w/w

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we get rid of mites or plaster beetles
An insecticide spray is applied to the walls, ceilings, carpets, interior and exterior surfaces of furniture and surrounding areas infested by mites or plaster beetles. You may see small numbers of mites or plaster beetles for 2 to 3-weeks after treatment.

Preparation of the area to be treated

  • Clean/vacuum carpets and curtains
  • Empty cupboards, wardrobes, drawers, shelves and all surfaces and vacuum every crack, including taking out the drawers and vacuuming
  • Wash and dry all clothes
  • Clean all interior and exterior surfaces to remove dust and dirt
  • Empty the contents of the vacuum cleaner immediately into an outside bin
  • Keep pets away from the area

What do I do afterwards?

  • Immediately after treatment let the spray dry; do not clean or wipe up any puddles
  • Do not touch the treated surfaces or let pets into the treated area until dry
  • If you do get the insecticide on your skin wash it off immediately
  • Do not wash, clean or vacuum treated surfaces for at least 2-weeks or until a week after dead mites are no longer seen.
  • Keep the treated rooms warm and humid by keeping the heating on constantly to ensure conditions are attractive to mites and plaster beetles for at least 2-weeks or until a week after dead mites are no longer seen

This treatment is guaranteed to reduce the infestation provided preparation and aftercare has been adhered to. Complete eradication depends on humidity and is not guaranteed.

Insecticide x1 spray £90 +VAT

Products used

Insecticide sprays
Effect Microtech CS Permethrin 8% w/w HSE 9401
K-Othrine WG250 Deltamethrin 25% w/w HSE 8092

Insecticide powder
Ficam D Bendiocarb 1% w/w HSE 4829

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we get rid of clothes and carpet moths
We spray insecticide on the infested carpets, rugs, upholstered furniture, curtains, wardrobes, cupboards, drawers, etc. and surrounding areas.

Preparation of the area to be treated

  • Empty cupboards, drawers, wardrobes and all surfaces
  • Clean all interior and exterior surfaces to remove dust and dirt
  • Remove all toys, books, boxes, DVDs, posters, shoes etc.
  • Vacuum curtains, upholstered furniture, rugs, carpets, carpets inside cupboards and wardrobes
  • Move free-standing furniture and vacuum the area below and make it accessible to be sprayed
  • Empty the contents of the vacuum cleaner immediately into an outside bin
  • Keep pets away from the area

Please note it is vitally important that every part of the infested area is accessible to be treated, including inside and below all furniture

What do I do afterwards?

  • Immediately after treatment let the spray dry; do not clean or wipe up any puddles
  • Do not touch the treated surfaces or let pets into the treated area until dry
  • If you do get the insecticide on your skin wash it off immediately
  • Do not wash, clean or vacuum treated surfaces for at least 1-month or until you stop seeing dead or dying moths or their larvae

We guarantee to reduce the infestation to a level that further damage stops for one month after the initial treatment. Complete eradication may never occur as small numbers will be in places where they will not come into contact with the insecticide. These should not cause further damage as long as you thoroughly vacuum upholstered furniture, curtains, rugs and carpets regularly to prevent the accumulation of lint, hair etc. which the larvae will feed on.

Insecticide x1 spray £90 +VAT

Products used

Insecticide sprays
Effect Microtech CS Permethrin 8% w/w HSE 9401
K-Othrine WG250 Deltamethrin 25% w/w HSE 8092

Insecticide powder
Ficam D Bendiocarb 1% w/w HSE 4829

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we get rid of rabbits
We use three types of treatment:

This is the most cost-effective method of rabbit control and shows immediate results. It’s most effective during winter when there’s less vegetation for the rabbits to hide in and the warrens are more likely to be occupied.

Fumigation tablets are inserted into several holes within the rabbit warrens. The tablets release gas which can kill 50 to 70% of the rabbit population. More than one treatment is usually necessary as the treated warrens are liable to reoccupation fairly quickly.

Please note the gas contains a poison deadly to mammals.

Preparation of the area to be treated

  • Clear away vegetation to help expose the holes and leave less cover for the rabbits to hide in
  • Mark holes with bamboo canes
  • Just before treatment make a noise, let a dog loose or any general disturbance to encourage rabbits to go into the warrens

What do I do afterwards?

  • Do not disturb the warrens for at least 24-hours after treatment
  • Keep dogs and other animals away for 48-hours after treatment
  • Keep vegetation short to reduce cover

This treatment can be used in summer when gassing is less effective or in areas where gas can't be used. Live catch cage traps are laid and baited. They need to be checked at least once a day. The customer must call PEST UK when a rabbit is caught and we will arrange for it to be removed. Please note the trap mustn’t be set if it can’t be checked for 24-hours.

Shooting is done at dusk/night. Some sites may not be suitable for a shoot.

Rabbit treatments are not guaranteed as it depends on the individual circumstances and type of control implemented.


To treat 25 to 30 holes £300 +VAT

Initial set-down, pick up + 2 visits £288 +VAT

One shoot £204 + VAT (dusk/night)

Products used

Fumigation tablets
Talunex Aluminium Phosphide 56% w/w

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we get rid of rats
We aim to achieve a complete kill of all the rats in the colony as they breed at such a rapid rate. Our technician places a grain-based bait containing an anticoagulant into a specially-designed feeding box in the correct places to ensure the whole population of rats feed on it. It can take up to 7-days before the rats start feeding on the bait as they are suspicious of new objects. The rats may feed several times before dying. If they do consume enough poison to give them a lethal dose on their first feed they won’t suffer any ill-effects immediately, ensuring that the other rats don’t become suspicious and associate the bait with illness or death.

The technician makes a second visit to remove the bait and any dead rats for disposal. Dead rats must be buried or burned. Protective gloves and a mask must be worn whilst handling them.

Biocide treatment
We can treat loft spaces and other areas where rats have been present with a Biocide spray to to eliminate the risk of disease. We also offer a loft insulation replacement service.

Preparation of the area to be treated

  • Keep a record of where you see rats and ask you neighbours if they have any
  • Leave any droppings or damage for the technician to look at
  • If you are feeding wild birds then stop
  • If you have a compost heap then stop putting food on it

What do I do afterwards?

  • Do not feed wild birds
  • Always dispose of any spilled or leftover food from feeding pets, etc.
  • Always dispose of any animal droppings; do not put them on a compost heap
  • Rat proof hutches and runs
  • Store animal food in rat proof containers
  • Keep rubbish bins securely closed
  • Do not put food on your compost heap
  • Keep a check on your compost heap to ensure it’s not providing a home for rats
  • Locate and fill all access points into buildings, e.g. gaps around pipes, etc.

Rat problems in sewer systems
If we suspect that rat problems are coming from breaches in the sewer system, we investigate by using test bait to confirm the presence of rats. We then undertake a camera survey to detect breaches around the external wall/sewer entry point.

A one-way return sewer valve can be fitted which allows sewage to flow out but prevents rats going ‘up’ the sewer, as well as preventing back ups of sewage from entering the property. It may be necessary to fit more than one sewer valve if the property adjoins other properties.

The poison bait treatment is guaranteed to eliminate the current rat infestation provided preparation and aftercare has been adhered to.

We cannot accept responsibility if any rats die in places where their bodies may smell, i.e. under floorboards.

We cannot guarantee against future rat infestations. In flats, terraced houses and multi-occupancy buildings rats may spread from adjoining premises.

Bait x1 application + follow up visit £170 +VAT
Biocide treatment £78 +VAT
Camera survey £300 +VAT
Camera survey if combined with a rat treatment £240 +VAT
Fitting of 4-inch sewer valve £204 +VAT
Fitting of 6-inch sewer valve £360 +VAT
Rat proofing from £90 +VAT

Products used

Sakarat Bromabait wholewheat Bromadiolone 0.005% w/w HSE 7902
Ratimor Bromadiolone 0.005% w/w HSE 8575
Rodilon Wheat Tech Difethialone 0.0025% w/w
Rodilon Trio mixed grain Difethialone 0.0025% w/w
Rodilon Soft Blocks Difethialone 0.0025% w/w
Talon Soft Brodifacoum 0.005% w/w
Talon Waxblocks Brodifacoum 0.005% w/w

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we get rid of squirrels
To get rid of squirrels we use trapping and/or bait. The traps kill the squirrels and must be checked at least once a day. The customer must call PEST UK if a squirrel is mis-caught, for instance just a leg or tail, and we will arrange for it to be removed. Please note the trap mustn't be set if it can't be checked for 24-hours.

Biocide treatment
We can treat loft spaces and other areas where squirrels have been present with a Biocide spray to to eliminate the risk of disease. We also offer a loft insulation replacement service.

What do I do afterwards?

  • Do not feed wild birds
  • Always dispose of any spilled or leftover food from feeding pets
  • Locate and fill in all entry points into the building which has the infestation
  • Remove any overhanging branches of trees that are touching the property

Baiting and/or trapping is guaranteed to eliminate the current squirrel infestation.

We cannot accept responsibility if any squirrels die in places where their bodies may smell.

Unlimited visits to deal with the current infestation £170 +VAT
Biocide treatment £78 +VAT

Products used

Grey squirrel bait Warfarin 0.02% w/w

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we treat wasps and bees nests
Treatment of a honey bee or wasp nest is sometimes the only solution. We treat the nest or the entrance to the nest using an insecticide powder.

Preparation of the area to be treated
Honey bees are not as aggressive as wasps but will sting if they think their nest is threatened and can be dangerous because of the large numbers in a nest or swarm.

  • Do not block the entrance to the nest
  • Close windows nearby until activity ceases (activity around the entrance to the nest will increase for the first 24 hours)
  • Keep pets and people away from the area until activity ceases

What do I do afterwards?

  • After treatment, the honey bees or wasps may remain in a hyperactive state for a few hours, but activity will usually completely cease within 7-warm days or up to 20 days if the weather is cold or wet
  • A treated nest will not ever be reused
  • If you wish to remove the wasp nest you must wait for 4-weeks after the treatment
  • You must clean and proof the area around the honey bee nest as soon as possible to prevent it attracting more bees

We guarantee that the treated wasp nest will never be reused.

We do not guarantee honey bee treatments.

Insecticide treatment from £80 +VAT
The costs depends on the location of the nest.

Products used

Insecticide powder
Vazor DE Powder (Diatomaceous Earth)
Vulcan dust permethrin 0.5% w/w

Download the safety data sheets for the above products

How we treat woodworm
Accessible infested timbers are treated with an insecticide containing a special timber treatment formulation which kills any eggs laid on the treated surfaces for up to 6-years. We can only treat timbers that are accessible.

The treatment will not kill the woodworm already within the wood.

Preparation of the area to be treated
Make the infested timbers accessible so they can be treated:

  • In the loft space remove everything that is stored and the insulation
  • Expose floorboards and joists by lifting carpets and underlay, plasterboard etc.
  • Vacuum the infested wood to remove dust

What do I do afterwards?

  • Immediately after treatment let the spray dry; do not clean or wipe up any puddles
  • Ventilate the area thoroughly
  • Do not touch the treated surfaces or let pets into the treated area until dry
  • If you do get insecticide on your skin wash it off immediately
  • Do not wash, clean or vacuum treated surfaces for at least 2-months
  • Lay new insulation, plasterboard, underlay etc.

The treated wood is guaranteed against fresh infestations for up to 10-years. New exit holes will appear for up to 6-years after treatment.

Insecticide treatment £180 +VAT

Products used

Lignum Pro I 62.5 Permethrin 6.5% w/w HSE 9894

Download the safety data sheets for the above products


  • A female cockroach produces up to 300 offspring in a year, so potentially one female and her offspring could produce 300,000 cockroaches in a year.
  • A mother rat produces a litter of 12 babies per month and each of her offspring can reproduce two months after they are born. This means that a pair of rats could produce 15,000 descendants in one year.
  • In the UK there are one quadrillion ants which means there are more than one million ants per person.
  • Rodents’ front teeth constantly grow so they need to gnaw anything and everything to wear them down.
  • If you stay in a hotel room which is invested with bed bugs you are almost 100% likely to bring them home in your luggage.
  • House flies poop every time they land so when they land on your food they poop, then they walk on your food as they use their feet to taste it, and then, because they don’t have teeth, they regurgitate digestive juices on to it to break it down. They may have just been walking on or eating decomposing food or animal feces so this is how they transfer diseases such as salmonella and E.coli to your food.
  • A rat’s teeth can gnaw through super hard substances such as lead sheeting and concrete blocks.
  • Bed bugs can travel from flat to flat so if one flat in a block has them they can spread to neighbouring flats..

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Abbey Wood, Acton, Addington, Addiscombe, Addlestone, Anerley, Arkley, Ashtead, Avery Hill, Balham, Banstead, Barnes, Battersea, Bayswater, Beckenham, Beddington, Bedfont, Bedford Park, Bellingham, Belmont, Belsize Park, Bermondsey, Blackheath, Brentford, Brixton, Bromley, Brompton, Byfleet, Camberwell, Camden Town, Caterham, Cheam,  Chelsea, Chessington, Chipstead, Chislehurst, Chiswick, Clapham, Claygate, Cobham, Colindale, Colliers Wood, Coulsdon, Cricklewood, Crofton Park, Croydon, Crystal Palace, Dartmouth Park, Denmark Hill, Deptford, Dollis Hill, Dulwich, Ealing, Earls Court, Earlsfield, East Ewell, East Molesey, East SheenEastfields, Eden Park, Edgware, Egham, Elmers End, Eltham, Epsom, Esher, Euston, Ewell, Falconwood, Feltham, Forest Hill, Forestdale, Fulham, Fulwell, Gipsy Hill, Golders Green, Gospel Oak, Greenwich, Grove Park, Gunnersbury, Hackbridge, Ham, Hammersmith, Hampstead, Hampton, Hanwell, Hanworth, Harlesden, Hayes, Hendon, Herne Hill, Hinchley, Hither Green, Holland Park, Honor Oak, Hounslow, Isleworth, Kennington, Kensal Green, Kensal Town, Kentish Town, Kew, Kilburn, Kingsbury, Kingston upon Thames, Kingswood, Knightsbridge, Ladbroke Grove, Lambeth, Lampton, Lewisham, Lisson Grove, Littleton, Little Venice, Longmead, Long Ditton, Marylebone, Maze Hill, Merton, Mill Hill, Mitcham, Morden, Mortlake, Mottingham, Neasden, Netherne-on-the-Hill, New Charlton, New Cross, New Malden, Norbiton, Norbury, North Sheen, Northfields, Notting Hill, Nunhead, Oatlands, Old Kent Road, Orpington, Osterley, Oval, Oxshott, Paddington, Park Langley, Park Royal, Parsons GreenPeckham, Penge, Petersham, Petts Wood, Pitshanger, Plumstead, Pollards Hill, Primrose Hill, Purley, Putney, Queen’s Park, Ravenscourt Park, Raynes Park, Regent’s Park, Richmond, RoehamptonRotherhithe, Royal Arsenal, Sanderstead, Selhurst, Selsdon, Shepherds Bush, Shepperton, Shooter’s Hill, Shortlands, Sidcup, South Kensington,  Southfields, Southwark, Spring Park, St George’s Hill, St John’s Wood, St Margarets, St Mary Cray, St Paul’s Cray, Staines-upon-Thames, Stamford Brook, Stockwell, Stoke Newington, Stonebridge, Stoneleigh, Strawberry Hill, Streatham, Sunbury-on-Thames, Surbiton, Surrey Quays, Sutton, Swanley, Swiss Cottage, Sydenham, Syon Park, Tadworth, Teddington, Temple Fortune, Thames Ditton, Thamesmead, The Hyde,  Thornton Heath, Tolworth, Tooting, Tufnell Park, Tulse Hill, Turnham Green, Twickenham, Upper Haliford, Upper Norwood, Vauxhall,    Waddon, Wallington, Walton-on-the-Hill, Walton-on-Thames, Walworth, Wandsworth, Warlingham, Well Hill, Wembley Park, West Brompton, West Heath, West Molesey, West Twyford, West Wickham, Westbourne Grove, Westcombe Park, Weston Green, Weybridge, White City, Whiteley Village, Whitton, Whyteleafe, Willesden, Wimbledon, Woldingham, Wood Downside, Woodham, Woodmansterne, Woodside, Woolwich, Worcester Park, Wormwood Scrubs